Only a few specialized institutions seem to have understood the implied power of the model.
Columbus Culinary Institute is a specialized institution offering a 20-month culinary arts program to high school graduates.
The city also has three private establishments and several specialized institutions.
But she is convinced that specialized institutions will always be of value.
The center was, and continues to be, one of the only specialized institutions of its kind in the country.
It may be more practical to break up some larger schools into smaller units to produce the specialized institutions Chancellor Fernandez has in mind.
A centre of learning, Angers boasts two renowned universities and several specialized institutions, altogether enrolling more than 26,000 students.
"We're a small, specialized institution," he said.
Municipalities like Beijing and Shanghai have the highest degree of division of labor and the most specialized institutions.
One of the major proposals was the decision to establish specialized institutions to impart legal education in an integrated and diversified manner.