The Shaywitzes said they were reluctant even to speculate from the data at hand.
No one knows his age, although it is speculated, from certain things he has said, to be well beyond ninety gates.
If you asked me, I would have to speculate, as most people do, from the sidelines.
He speculated in his retirement from public life, in 1698, on the various forms and laws of government.
Media speculated from the start that they wouldn't last together because of their two contrasting personalities.
He stopped speculating about improbable gentle rains of little animals from heaven.
However, they still "speculate" from time to time, such as for the release of the G5.
Or are we mad to even be speculating about the campaign twenty-one months out from it?
However, since the growth of air travel within the region, there has been speculated interest from other private carriers.
Officials speculated from one scene that someone had intentionally crashed a car into the sign post to break the welds.