I cannot even take spiritual consolation to those poor souls.
They generally added little to the fourth book of the Imitation, except perhaps more emphasis on spiritual consolation.
It is common knowledge that people who live with constant motion, and high risk, and a great deal of alcohol, occasionally need spiritual consolation.
The soul in the illuminative way will have to experience periods of spiritual consolations and desolations.
Finally, when she seeks spiritual consolation, she finds her vicar making love to another man.
James and his wife first sought out Piper for spiritual consolation shortly after the death of their second child, Herman.
"I thought that such gifted outsiders as yourselves deserved spiritual consolation at the highest level," he said.
What spiritual consolation could an unbeliever, a heathen, give him?
He'd just have to get along without the spiritual consolation of the church that he had known in college days.
You're a spiritual consolation to all of us, an invaluable asset.