He spat contemptuously, and Kelson raised an eyebrow in feigned surprise.
He spat contemptuously at the thought of the Imperial halberdiers.
He spat contemptuously on the floor; the action made Mortimer even more uncomfortable.
He turned his attention to the trio of young ones to keep from spitting contemptuously in Kamaraju's face.
He spat contemptuously on the concrete floor then turned away abruptly and stalked off to the far end of the milking shed.
Seeing Thorn he glared at him, then spat contemptuously.
She snorted and spat contemptuously over the wall.
Then he spit contemptuously at the Korean.
He spat contemptuously, narrowing his one good eye.
Sneering, he spit contemptuously upon the grilled metal floor of the bridge.