Brave is a 2012 animated movie which stars Billy Connolly and Emma Thompson.
It starred Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson.
A film adaptation of the novel, made in 1993 and starring Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson, was nominated for eight Academy Awards.
Publishers, for instance, are scheduling new releases of Jane Austen's "Sense and Sensibility" to make the most of the coming film starring Emma Thompson.
Back in the mid 80s there was a show called Tutti Fuitti, starring Emma Thompson and Robbie Coltrane (and just a few other great actors).
Brokaw gave Mike Nichols the script while he was working with him on Wit (2001) starring Emma Thompson, who also co-adapted the play of the same title.
The mill is now a small hotel, and was featured in the 1995 film Carrington starring Emma Thompson and Jonathan Pryce.
Last Chance Harvey, which also starred Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson, was released in 2009.
The play was adapted for the HBO film Wit starring Emma Thompson.
Carrington's life with Strachey was dramatized in the 1995 film Carrington, starring Emma Thompson in the title role.