If we pick up the conspirators any time before they start arming the mob, they'll be able to suspend operations and go to ground.
Then, the moment the PAF started arming the bombs - boom - up would go the lot.
He later started arming himself illegally, mostly with weapons bought in Belgium.
The Croatian Ministry of the Interior started arming an increasing number of special police forces, and this led to the building of a real army.
While you people were watching the fireworks, someone went in there and started arming the prisoners.
So they started arming themselves.
In the following months, the South Ossetians started arming themselves.
Árbenz considered his own military unreliable, but when he started arming civilian militias, the Guatemalan Army forced him to resign.
We'll start arming the first device.
"You can start by telling me what the Groaci Foreign Office had in mind when it started arming the Voion."