If they start arresting people, what's to keep them from throwing Warfel in jail along with everybody else?
It was 1.30 in the morning, they gave everyone a five-minute warning to evacuate, then started arresting people, smashing tents.
Troops came in with teams, to help prevent looting -but then they started arresting Line personnel.
When Hitler started arresting Jews, she financed the escape of several friends.
When you start arresting peo I, we've got to have a place to put them.
"If they start arresting us for traditional weapons, they will have to arrest me as well," he said.
They had troops guarding factories, and they started arresting suspected Sojourners.
Cody regains consciousness, but she suddenly starts arresting.
To do so, the marchers broke through the special forces chain and the police started arresting everyone indiscriminately.
I'm staying until they start arresting people.