This bike's wide frame and steel fork make it sturdy enough for bigger riders, but the upright seat tube may mean discomfort on longer rides.
For instance, if all the steel forks, spoons and toiletries had to go, they could have wood replacements.
She picked up a dull steel fork off the table and stared at it.
The Airedale was with him, while outside stood several men armed with iron bars and long steel forks.
A place had already been set on the wooden counter, with a blue cloth mat and a heavy steel fork and knife.
Shift two wing nuts, and the long parts of the shoe trees become a steel fork.
A third model, also made by Pope Manufacturing Company, weighs 49 lb and has forged steel forks.
Mr. Pena, with an eye toward marketing, said he had in mind a stainless steel fork designed to test when meat is done.
Earlier models had hi-tensile steel forks, but later forks were "Mangalight" manganese alloy.
A sturdy two-pronged stainless steel fork is $28.