The surface of the leaf is coated in white sticky glands and sparse hairs.
It also stabilizes keratinization, makes the cells that are sloughed off into the sebaceous glands less sticky, and therefore inhibits the formation of comedones.
It is erect with hairy branches, the smaller twigs bearing long bristles tipped with sticky glands.
It is purple-tinted gray-green in color and usually quite hairy in texture, the hairs sometimes associated with sticky glands.
This is an erect annual herb producing a stiff, slender stem coated in hairs and sticky glands.
The members of Phyllodesmium will drop a large number of their cerata each, on the tip having a large sticky gland that secretes a sticky substance.
Larger insects usually walk over the plant, instead of flying to it, and are more likely to break free from sticky glands alone.
Then he turned one of the pink buds back, like some doctor revealing the back of a patient's neck: it was covered with tiny red glands sticky with resin.
The calyces are aromatic and covered with sticky glands.
The fernlike leaves are up to 10 centimeters long, frilly in appearance and dotted with sticky glands.