This was always a strangely intense and rather degrading experience for the editing team.
Joe was still watching her with that calm, remote expression, but his eyes were narrowed and strangely intense.
The colors still looked strangely intense, the composition was a little off in some way she couldn't explain, the brushstrokes were a touch blurred.
It was strangely intense, compelling in its vividness.
If this seems strangely intense in theory, in practice it looks like a lovely thing.
As she came into the room she stared at me in a strangely intense way.
DeVore turned back, giving Jyan a strangely intense look.
A strangely intense buzzing in front of her made her open her eyes.
It was someone that he felt a strangely intense loyalty to, yet was terrified of.
She opened her eyes and felt a great sense of loss and a strangely intense fear.