His first task was to give the new group a strategic thrust.
One strategic thrust has been the introduction of efficiency incentives to better align client behavior with operating efficiency.
The realignment, Kodak said, is designed to sharpen the company's strategic thrusts in health, information and commercial electronic imaging.
At Fiat, too, the strategic thrust has been out of Italy.
There will certainly be competitive response, so one should proceed with strategic thrusts based on information technology.
These moves are just as important as other strategic thrusts, such as acquisition, geographical expansion, and so on.
It is necessary to plan rationally about acquisition, major alliances with other firms, and other strategic thrusts.
Innovation is another strategic thrust that can be supported or shaped by information technology in either product or process.
Introduce the concepts of strategic thrusts, strategic targets, and competitive strategy.
His silver tongue might be able to convince Parliament to support this proposition and to change its view on strategic thrust.