It was also provided that firing would he reduced to a strict minimum; that it would be prohibited during the day-time on people who had crossed the demarcation line, unless they resisted arrest.
In recent years, the Ontario cutoff for the BBA program has been on the rise; in 2011, the cutoff for the program stood at a strict 87% minimum.
Therefore, the trap width should be set to a strict minimum, dictated by the maximum amount of misregistration or error margin of the whole production workflow up to the printing press.
Joshua guided the ship along the vector spaceport traffic control had datavised to him, keeping the ion-thruster bums to a strict minimum.
They even reject the strict minimum, i.e. the Monti package proposed by the Commission in Brussels.
Until such time as Europe embarks on the road towards a real federation where the unanimity rule is scrapped, or at least limited to the strict minimum, it will continue to be powerless to react rapidly and decisively to new challenges.
Most companies, he said, reported only "the strict minimum required by law."
Even so, aircraft manufacturers Heinkel, Blohm & Voss and Junkers came up with light fighter designs using a strict minimum of materials before that date.
The setting is a fictional province of central Europe called Castalia, reserved by political decision for the life of the mind; technology and economic life are kept to a strict minimum.
To escape from "normalization," most Czechs and Slovaks did no more than the strict minimum in their public lives and withdrew into what many called "internal emigration."