Nature, or, to speak with strict propriety, God, has made all things right; but man has sought him out many inventions to mar the work.
Alcide, without going beyond the limits of strict propriety, showed that he was greatly struck by the young girl.
For the rest, towards Juliette in the future, he would observe an attitude of strictest propriety; never more should she have occasion to complain of his conduct, which henceforth would be immaculate.
This sort of science is almost the only thing that can with strict propriety be called reactionary.
She observed strict proprieties in her conduct, and seemed rather prudish at times to Françoise de Graffigny.
He was esteemed a man of strict propriety and was distinguished as an orator in the house of commons.
With a bow to strict propriety, our modest lawmakers still limit themselves to one picture of themselves per page, but now the pictures will be in glorious color.
In real life, Scobie always observed strict propriety toward Broberg.
Since both were senior members of the Government and neither, from the nature of things, was a potential candidate for the Premiership, they acted with strict propriety in a difficult situation.
He charmed the ladies while maintaining strict propriety.