A vegetarian, he describes himself as a strong environmentalist.
Also, the post of deputy commissioner - normally filled by a strong environmentalist - has been vacant for months.
She was a strong environmentalist and also led a drive to send book mobiles to rural Kentucky.
They are fed up with political parties and opposed to government regulation, yet they are strong environmentalists.
The fact that he is a strong environmentalist and strongly pro-choice should not make it surprising that he would contribute to candidates with those views.
As Governor, he was a friend to labor, as the farm workers can testify, a strong environmentalist and a promoter of racial and gender diverity.
Vice President Al Gore, a strong environmentalist, will address the conference.
A strong environmentalist, De Baeremaeker is a vegan.
"I'm a pretty strong environmentalist, but I was convinced that the data didn't justify the new level."
Women are stronger environmentalists, more critical of business and less critical of government.