When children of color become your children, anonymous struggles become personal ones with names and faces that you know.
His struggles against injustice and problems faced growing up in New Zealand, featured on his album "From Street to Sky".
During his story faces struggles such as bullying and trying to accept his body for what it is, as well as making friends and falling in love.
He also explained that his more recent financial struggles have made him more attuned to the difficulties faced by the average constituent.
The struggles faced by the opposing parties attempts at cooperation, mixed with the global economic crisis, paved the campaign for this elections.
That struggle faced a serious test when one member of his mosque was charged with plotting to bomb a city subway station.
Issues such as class and race also appear in the novel, showing us the struggles faced both by Remi and the Nigerian people.
The movie documents the photographer's progression from a child to a mother, and the struggles Mann faces through her public and private life.
That makes their continuing struggles and a possible first-round elimination all the more difficult to face.
Justine Roberts, co-founder of Mumsnet, said the survey failed to highlight the struggles facing many women who choose to return to work.