I selected some of our best men and horses for him and gave him five of our most sturdy carts, which could carry water-skins that, if used sparingly, would last them for thirty days.
In the cart shed is a sturdy little red and blue Irish cart that suggests brisk travel through the countryside.
Whatever style you choose, be sure to look for a sturdy cart with more welded pieces and fewer screws.
A compact, sturdy cart stood on a steel track in an alcove.
Mal arrived at the inn driving a sturdy two-wheeled cart with a large shaggy pony between the shafts.
To the northwest the imperials were pushing a mantelet: a sturdy cart, its sides armed with scythes, while the front was an oak wall reinforced with studded bars of iron.
The rest were servants and grooms with our baggage piled on a sturdy, four-wheeled cart.
In Una's company, she felt like a horse, bred to race, that is being forced into pulling a sturdy little cart.
Both men looked across the fields where the Hold's sturdy cart and wagon runnerbeasts grazed, the ones Alessan had bred to his sire's specifications.
A good sturdy cart is ever so much safer.