The quantum oddities of this subatomic realm were just the beginning of the linguistic headaches.
Riane, bound in pure energy, was gripped by the sensation of fall-ing-falling through the subatomic realm.
It's a fact of life on the subatomic realm that smaller and smaller distances take higher and higher energies to probe.
The subatomic realm is explored by smashing together particles with powerful accelerators and then studying the debris.
"Maybe the universe is more like the subatomic realm than we normally think-full of invisible effects and unseen consequences."
A counterintuitive mainstay of modern physics, this asserts that in the subatomic realm of waves and particles, to observe a phenomenon is to alter it.
It gained a new identity with the advent of quantum mechanics, the bizarre-sounding rules that govern the subatomic realm.
In the subatomic realm, the distinction between objectivity and subjectivity begins to break down.
-subatomic realm we must deal in theory-" "
He and Q were no longer in the subatomic realm they had exited only a heartbeat before, that much was certain.