Anti-Bolshevist propaganda was for the most part not overt, but subtly woven in with the other content.
The chili presence is pronounced, yet subtly woven in with other flavors so that it does not simply overpower.
Once cleared, the questions are to be subtly woven into the interrogations being conducted at Guantánamo by American intelligence officers.
NOTE: The theme of jealousy, which has been woven subtly throughout the play, now emerges as a powerful force.
Others are woven subtly into the landscape.
In his paintings, iconographical features are typically subtly woven into the work, as "relatively small, in the background, or in the shadow [details]".
Nonetheless, whatever behavioural sequelae existed had been subtly woven into the personality of the patient.
The idea that evil can be subtly woven through the lives of ordinary people, changing their behavior, rotting their psyche, fascinates-and terrifies-me.
And there is the additional pleasure of seeing the research so subtly woven into the narrative that you feel the author has actually conversed with the characters.
Coming often among them he would speak ever words of greatest praise, sweet but poisoned honey; for amid all the fair words others were ever subtly woven.