These were not just doctors; they were the most successful private practitioners in the city.
Never a particularly successful medical practitioner, Jones brought a sound scientific reputation with him.
She was a successful practitioner of natural medicine and patients came from far to seek treatment from her.
As a result, students learned from local experts and successful practitioners who shared their knowledge, opinions and insights into each region's culture.
He went into private practice and soon emerged as one of the more prominent and successful legal practitioners in the country.
He is one of the most successful contemporary practitioners of encaustic painting.
What astounded him was that these successful practitioners had never before met or talked to one another.
The Umphrey Burrow partners were all very successful independent practitioners.
In the modern era the more successful practitioners of this art have been actresses frequently referred to by the French term "diseuse".
Was known as one of the most successful practitioners of the theatre of the absurd.