He retired in 1980, a year after a successful push for the construction of a 900-seat fine arts auditorium at the high school.
It also followed a successful push by the federal government to increase ownership among lower-income people who would not have qualified in the past.
The project follows a hugely successful push to expand gas production in Trinidad and Tobago, just seven miles across the water.
For example, a successful push for an Israel-Palestine settlement would be worth two-thirds of the entire defense budget.
It was reprinted in 1915 and contributed to the final successful push for women's suffrage.
Such a figure, the French were saying, could not have been the central figure in the successful push for peace.
Maw's winning the Democratic nomination in 1940 was largely the result of his successful push for direct primaries.
A successful push for reform will need aggressive forces outside the Beltway.
Asked whether his contract status might explain his recent successful push at the plate, Hall smiled even wider.
They were also making a successful push into prepared foods, an area Loblaw had neglected.