But this idea, if enacted successfully, could transform the sports agent business.
The reason is that efficiencies that are successfully enacted in local government usually rebound on Whitehall departments, which are then also forced to implement them.
Although revolutionary for its time, the California Civil Code was actually the third successfully enacted codification of the substance of the common law.
The first successfully enacted (or indeed introduced) bill in over 100 years to address the protection of children from abuse and excessive physical chastisement.
The crisis ended when the government enlarged the Senate and altered its method of election, allowing the amendment to be successfully enacted.
A municipal minimum wage was successfully enacted in March, 2004 with the leadership of Alder Austin King.
There has therefore officially been no successfully enacted "Twelfth Amendment" of the Irish constitution.
Following its rejection the number 24 was not used again-there has therefore officially been no successfully enacted "Twenty-fourth Amendment" of the Irish constitution.
Successfully enacted, the law provided that the court would originally have six members, to be appointed by the Governor in 1967.
This approach has been successfully enacted in Denmark and other European countries.