The summary below contains more up-to-date information on how close countries are to meeting their first-round targets.
The summary contains more uninformative writing that argues for publication of the full report.
Her summary of Jewish theology and practice contains so many half-truths and misinterpretations that it would take another book to refute them all.
The summary also contains information about screening for prostate cancer and research aimed at prevention of this disease.
Hence it is not surprising that his summary of those events should contain some misstatements of fact.
The summaries also contain breaking news in biology, chemistry, and other sciences that support the research on the Nation's food and fiber system.
This summary contains the following key information:
Such a summary might contain words not explicitly present in the original.
A proper summary contains only the main ideas, and doesn't include unnecessary details.
A proper summary contains only the essential information, and omits unnecessary details.