Citizenship remains a demanding enterprise, not the province of sunshine patriots or those who wish to legislate away life's complications.
The issue clearly rankles Mr. Kemp, who in recent days has stepped up his complaints about "sunshine patriots."
"I worry about the sunshine patriots," he said.
The booming economy also tends to make mere sunshine patriots of us all.
Call me a summer soldier or sunshine patriot, but common sense tells me that a popularizer is not a coiner.
In other words, most of us are lily-livered sunshine patriots who want an easy victory but shrink from a difficult one.
"Others were sunshine patriots and summer soldiers," Roger said.
"The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country."
They are the "summer soldiers, the sunshine patriots."
At 2 in the morning, no one could call them sunshine patriots.