They have always supplied marijuana, cocaine, and heroin.
It's the Leading supplier and distributor of cocaine, but it also supplies heroin and marijuana.
Mexico's drug networks span the border, supplying cocaine, heroin and marijuana to American users.
In the past, the institute has refused to supply marijuana to researchers who had obtained all other necessary federal permits.
The current exemption depended on the government supplying marijuana, which it was only doing as a result of the policy.
However, the policy did not impose a legal obligation upon the government to supply marijuana to those who needed it for medical purposes.
The court held that if the government was obliged by law to supply marijuana in accordance with the policy, the exemption would be constitutionally acceptable.
Bolstered by this enactment, certain groups organized to supply marijuana to patients in a manner consistent with the Act.
They are wholesalers who supply marijuana to Nancy, who in turn distributes to retail customers.
"But it's not a serious crime like supplying cocaine or marijuana."