For example, Hugs does not support mutually recursive modules.
Although the procedural and modular programming paradigms are often used together, there are cases where a procedural programming language may not fully support modules, hence requiring a design pattern implementation.
The language supports subroutines and nested modules.
Modules can be added to any of the systems that support dynamic modules.
However, not all Prolog compilers support modules and there are compatibility problems between the module systems of the major Prolog compilers.
Programming in the large is considered to be complicated because not all Prolog compilers support modules, and there are compatibility problems between the module systems of the major Prolog compilers.
Modular programming can be performed even where the programming language lacks explicit syntactic features to support named modules.
For supported part-time further education, the Tele-Akademie offers supported distance-learning modules on topics such as tele-learning, computer science, media design and business.
While the game supports modules of the , and formats, the player may customise the soundtrack by adding or removing tracks; however, only modules with up to 24 channels are supported.
This beam will eventually grow to 356 feet to support four giant solar power arrays and several new modules for the station.