Roy's supporters defended her views on the basis that she advocated non-violent resistance only.
This gave rise both to writings on the value of the 'canon' and also to writings by composers and their supporters defending newer music.
Congressional supporters today defended the aircraft and its future mission.
Those charges led both Knight and his supporters to defend his record of academic and athletic achievement.
Her supporters, however, defended her record and dismissed the protest as yet another political smear campaign.
While the declaration was immediately criticized by Morsi opponents, his supporters defended Morsi's move.
But that is the kind of extremism that Kushner's supporters will defend as free speech - and worthy of being awarded a professorship.
His supporters defended the president as a decent, well-intentioned man being unfairly attacked for problems that had been building for years.
To the Editor: In recently escalating controversy about negative political television spots, their supporters have defended them as "free speech."
Progressive supporters of the proposed bill defend the guest worker program as a necessary evil, the price that must be paid for business support.