Clinton and several putative supporters met to discuss how businesses and churches could provide jobs.
On July 27 the black supporters of the convention, including approximately 200 black war veterans, met at the steps of the Mechanics Institute.
In the years that followed, Yeo and his supporters met in Puritan's Pit by night to worship.
The simplest one is when supporters of a library simply meet en masse and read their own books.
But he and his supporters must now meet the committee's standard of fairness.
Whether Mrs. Clinton's supporters meet the $25 million goal will not become clear until early next year.
Upon his return here, a few hundred supporters met him at the airport.
Other 700 supporters instead, met downtown in the "Monnighette square" to watch the game on a big screen set specifically on that occasion.
When Mr. Edwards did not have enough supporters to meet the 15 percent threshold, supporters of the others competed to win them over.