Election day in Ekiti was marred by violent confrontations between supporters of candidates.
Campaigning has been low key, with bomb blasts and attacks on supporters of candidates disrupting the already tense situation.
Violence has accompanied the election campaign, as supporters of rival candidates have clashed.
The weapons were a surprise, but the supporters of candidates had been known to carry weapons before.
The remainder were either undecided or supporters of third-party candidates.
The teachers' union, long a supporter of Democratic candidates, has clashed with the administration over pensions.
The union, a potent supporter of Democratic candidates, reacted angrily when the legislation was announced.
A head count is taken, and the supporters of candidates who get less than 15 percent of the total are given an opportunity to regroup.
Neuman's image was also used negatively, as a "supporter" of rival political candidates, with the idea that only an idiot would vote for them.
Local supporters of candidates then argue their case for a few minutes before votes are cast.