This strained his relationship with De Cosmos, who had become a supporter of MacDonald's opponent, Liberal Alexander Mackenzie.
Windom's 1998 campaign for Lieutenant Governor was marked by scandal when false allegations involving a prostitute were made against him by supporters of his opponent.
But he was shocked to discover during the campaign that supporters of his Democratic primary opponent were ripping down his posters and stealing his campaign paraphernalia.
He blamed supporters of his opponent, Abraham D. Beame - an allegation that was always denied.
During the election, Union forces intimidated and jailed supporters of Bramlette's opponent, former governor Charles A. Wickliffe.
At his news conference, Mr. Spitzer raised the possibility that supporters of his opponent might try to tamper with the results.
He ran unsuccessfully in Vaudreuil in 1841; the supporters of his opponent, John Simpson, used intimidation to discourage Jobin's supporters.
During the campaign supporters of his opponent in the Democratic primary had torn down his campaign posters and stole other campaign items.
Her campaign ended when a lawsuit filed by supporters of her opponent succeeded to remove her from the ballot.
Not surprisingly, there were also an overwhelming number of Steelers fans at the game compared to the number of supporters of their opponent, the Seattle Seahawks.