In response the supporters of German KPE stated that these groups were influenced by masonic ideas.
Thurmond and his supporters stated that the executive committee had several legal alternatives as opposed to the outright appointment of state Senator Brown.
However, supporters of this move stated that they believed this would make these agencies more accountable.
His supporters state that Mr. Donaldson's time away from Wall Street will only strengthen his regulatory hand.
Her rivals later claimed that Davidson received assistance from Party headquarters, though her supporters stated that these claims were part of a smear campaign.
On 15 September 2005, the 'violet' supporters stated that the talks had irreversibly broken down and efforts to reach an agreement would be terminated.
Even Walter's supporters could only state that he was "moderately literate".
Ratna's supporters stated that she was the target of a religiously motivated smear campaign because of her marriage to a Hindu.
Lewis' supporters stated that "Lewis is deeply remorseful and has been a model prisoner, helping fellow female inmates cope with their circumstances."
Therefore, supporters state that the focus on the anti-Croatian tragedy presently occurring is more important than focusing on one of 60 years ago.