But supporters attacked the messenger yesterday and voiced unwavering faith in Dr. Hale, 70, the charity's president and daughter of its founder, the late Clara Hale.
Even some staunch supporters of free trade - the Princeton economist Alan Blinder, for one - have publicly voiced their concerns about the uncontrolled effects of globalization on workers.
The supporters of the mural have voiced their concerns about security and the rise of Islamic extremism in Australia.
Even supporters of the Brooklyn program voiced some concerns.
The Syrian team in London refused to comment on the political situation in their homeland; their supporters, however, carried Ba'athist flags and voiced their support for the Syrian government.
As Mr. Johnson traveled from one town to another, his supporters voiced enthusiasm, dismissing polls and comparing him to John F. Kennedy.
And even some ardent supporters of peace voiced doubt.
Down the hallway, where an overflow crowd watched the proceedings on a television monitor, Mr. Barden's supporters, dressed in African robes and hats, loudly voiced their displeasure.
Ms. Haimson and her supporters have voiced their dismay over the death of Proposal 6 through a flurry of e-mails to Mr. Bloomberg.
It is positive that this issue is being dealt with in a way that allows both supporters and opponents in Parliament to voice their opinions.