On September 19, national authorities deployed riot police to suppress existing protests and to prevent their re-occurrence.
Nigerian troops used violence to suppress protests, while Shell resisted pressure to use its influence to improve the situation.
Jiang was notable for suppressing similar protests in Shanghai without any bloodshed.
Twice in the last week, the Indonesian military, projecting unemployment soon of two million workers, said it stood ready to suppress protests that "disturb national stability."
China has suppressed nationalist protests in Tibet.
She said Garcia sold land in the Amazon rainforest to corporations while suppressing indigenous protests.
Jewish Israeli peace advocates say they are calling for a government inquiry into the way that the police have suppressed protests of Arab citizens.
Firstly it does not allow the authorities to justify their violent means to suppress moral protests against its actions.
"So they rely on foreign recruits to unquestioningly carry out orders of violently suppressing protests", he said.
Bahrain's security forces used excessive force to suppress protests in the country earlier this year.