The surge lifted the total percentage of proficient fourth graders in the city to 76.4, well above the statewide figure of 70.4 percent.
A surge in computer chip stocks lifted the Nasdaq composite index by 1.66 points.
Wall Street's surge lifted markets in Brazil and Mexico.
A fierce surge of triumph lifted her she knew the hour.
That powerful two-month surge lifted factory jobs to a level more than 250,000 above their September 1993 low.
A powerful surge early in the year lifted the Dow to its all-time high of 2,722.42 on Aug. 25.
The surge lifted her high, dropped her again.
The surge yesterday lifted the Dow transportation average to a record gain of 94.06, to 1,344.06, as other airline stocks rose as well.
A surge in buy orders at the end of the session, probably computer related, lifted the Dow less than 3 points.
An answering surge of power lifted the stubby wings of the craft.