In 2008, surgeons in Munich transplanted two whole arms.
In fact, surgeons have been successfully transplanting valves for almost thirty years, saving thousands of lives.
His lungs were sent to Birmingham, where surgeons at the University of Alabama transplanted them.
There was a certain thing called charisma that no surgeon could transplant.
As the rats near the end of their 2 1/2-year lifespan, the surgeons transplant the rats' livers into young rats.
Taking advantage of the liver's unique ability to regenerate itself, surgeons have been cutting out large chunks of live donors' livers and transplanting them into adults.
Since 1998, surgeons have transplanted 24 hands and forearms in 18 male recipients, according to a registry from the hospitals that have performed them.
In the partial face transplant, the surgeons transplanted a donor's nose, lips and chin.
But sometimes surgeons have transplanted the liver and another organ because the metabolic disorder caused damage elsewhere in the body.
Experts will weave additional hair into thinning areas, surgeons will transplant it, and a wide array of stylish hairpieces is avail-able.