Instead of a swift reprisal, she fired randomly, striking only one out of three targets.
In the past such Sunni aggression has been met by swift reprisals by Shiites, a cycle of violence that left some 34,000 Iraqis dead last year.
Mr. Arafat, in a swift reprisal, ordered the academics and professionals arrested for signing the petition.
By contrast, if the Germans were conspiring to monopolize the trade and squeeze their partners, it would call for swift reprisals.
What little resist the army did encounter was met with violent and swift reprisals, ly, the savage reputation of the army spread, like a malignant dw stretching out black before them.
Islamic Holy War, along with other militant groups, immediately blamed Israel's secret services for the killing and threatened swift reprisals.
He saw Dark Star go down with a blade in her neck, and Holly Frost's swift reprisal.
Over the decades, there have been sporadic Kurdish uprisings in southeastern Turkey, coupled with swift reprisals by the Turkish government.
The more vulnerable communities on the lower plains paid a high price for these in the form of swift bloody reprisals.
They also ordered swift reprisals against the attackers.