There were a few advantages to being a male 2 meters tall.
Harry exchanged a glance with the other human, the tall male.
The driver's door opened, and a tall male dressed in an expensive suit emerged.
The fourth also seemed male, tall, maybe about six-two, but skinny, around a hundred and seventy.
The servant who admitted him was a tall male with cool eyes and a formal manner.
Tsecha slumped more, until he had to twist his neck to the side to look up at the taller male.
The remaining one was a tall, powerful-looking human male in a floppy white hat.
One of the party, a tall male, made to step before another, who raised a hand languidly, fist clenched.
Then the tall male began to rock with laughter and the others followed suit.
"You have a funny smile," said the tall male thoughtfully.