Kirk had tantalizing possibilities but no answers.
This research raises the tantalizing possibility that statins may be used to prevent heart attacks even in people whose cholesterol levels are normal.
He decided to explore the tantalizing possibility on his return home.
The Sydney Olympics were still two years away, but the chance of winning five gold medals became a tantalizing possibility.
The tantalizing possibility existed that John Mackenzie Worth was still alive.
Many closed-end funds are selling at steep discounts these days, offering investors the tantalizing possibility of handsome profits.
He said the talks might lead to nothing, but that there were several tantalizing possibilities.
And he'd added the tantalizing possibility that he'd been right next door in Doyle's house on Christmas night.
Vegetarians take shelter, for the 156 tantalizing possibilities include mostly pork, chicken, and seafood.
The excursion offered the tantalizing possibility of discovering unburied treasure.