In Russia, "oil voucher gifts were directed across the political spectrum targeting the new oligarch class, Russian political parties and officials," the report says.
"We will not even target Russian officials who committed massacres against the Chechen people if they are in foreign countries."
There are concerns, however, that the commission has become politicized, often pressing cases without enough evidence and mostly targeting officials from previous governments.
According to several officials, the goal became an obsession - derided by targeting officials as "T2K."
The 2009 terrorists appear to have been mostly male, targeting police and regional top officials in and near Chechnya.
The Mayor has asserted that the investigation into his conduct of city business is part of a conspiracy by Federal prosecutors to target black elected officials.
In 1978, the FBI launched its first major operation to target corrupt public officials.
The propagandists' goal is to influence perceptions, attitudes, opinions, and policies; often targeting officials at all levels of government.
The complaints targeted officials including Mr Misick, who resigned in March, citing a lack of public support.
But of course we must not target officials as part of a strategy of catching the small fry and letting the big fish go free.