But instead, Reagan attacked Dukakis as just another tax-and-spend Democrat.
It leaves him vulnerable to Republican charges that he is just another tax-and-spend Democrat.
For this year, at least, Democrats believe that the phrase "tax-and-spend Democrats" can no longer be a staple of the Republican vocabulary.
They insist that underneath Mr. Warner is just another tax-and-spend Democrat.
You can hear America sigh, 'The tax-and-spend Democrats; there they go again.'
If tax-and-spend Democrats in the Legislature have their way, it's clear sailing to California's bankruptcy.
But the facts are, she's a typical tax-and-spend Democrat.
Still Mr. Clinton took pains to show that he was not just another tax-and-spend Democrat.
Predictably, the tax-and-spend Democrats on the Joint Select Committee fell in line right behind him.
The White House has entered the fray with a charge that has worked for years, particularly since "tax-and-spend Democrats" became part of the political vocabulary.