A wide range of demographic indicators are covered, including literacy rates, taxation levels, and murders per capita.
The money has to be raised by the government and this means high taxation levels, which are always unpopular.
Thus public sector production is more dependent on taxation level than growth in the GDP.
This results in different taxation levels for residents in the different counties of the school district.
Your definition of a "tax regime" includes countries rangeing from 1% to a 100% taxation level.
Rather, local Wends were subject to a different taxation level and thus not as profitable as new settlers.
Certain Member States have some of the highest taxation levels in the world - I myself come from one such country.
It goes without saying that this will entail higher taxation levels than the governing neo-liberal politicians want.
But taxation levels are hard to compare to the size and flow of the economy since production numbers are not as readily available.
As a result, Belgian institutions still control over 90% of the effective, global taxation levels on individuals and companies.