They now must wait 72 hours before another try so that technicians could replace perishable supplies and problem components.
When we get out the technicians will come through and replace all the circuitry with solid state, block sealed units - then evacuate.
This left technicians only able to replace failed parts, rather than fix the problems which were causing them to fail.
When boards fail the test, technicians may desolder and replace failed components, a task known as rework.
Such components are also frequently hot swappable, allowing technicians to replace them on the running server without shutting it down.
The second countdown for the mission began today after technicians replaced a leaky fuel valve.
The launching had been delayed five days while technicians replaced a different failed navigational unit.
Some time later, a technician can replace the circuit board.
The technician had replaced the fuse 14 times.
Following each of six exposures, technicians hurriedly replaced the burned-out bulbs for the next shot.