Mechanics and technicians swarmed over the rocket craft, preparing it for take-off.
But today, a dozen technicians, shrouded in white protective suits from head to foot, swarmed around and inside the machine, painstakingly piecing it together.
Crime-scene technicians were already swarming onto the fire-lit street.
When the Dynasphere Ranger finally landed on Fearing Island, crewmen and technicians swarmed to the launching area for a look at the salvaged satellite.
Yet already producers and technicians were swarming about, tending to the shiny Japanese equipment and preparing programs for future broadcast.
Worst of all, the landing strip was crowded with sleds, large, small, and medium, and technicians swarmed about, and the Mariposa was not there!
While technicians swarmed around Oppy, as if the truck had been a manifestation of his will, Joe stood aside and was joined by Felix Tafoya.
But many disbelieving locals have stayed behind, even as technicians in plastic suits and respirators swarm over the town.
Seconds later, technicians were swarming out of the concrete blockhouses to inspect it.
Sheriffs and technicians swarmed.