Instead, technicians on the project used the black-and-white color separation negatives that were often made as backup.
Some technicians may also use a trace dye and a black light to help find persistent leaks.
It looked something like one of those dental tools that technicians use to scrape your teeth.
His work completed, the technician was using the telephone to call the downtown banquet room.
These technicians use specialized tools for subsurface examination of the sites.
At the institute, technicians use infrared light to detect alterations made to documents.
The technician traditionally used their mouth to provide the precise pressures required to seal it to the cell.
Many technicians in the field use a tap test with very conclusive results.
The method they thought of was about what a dental technician uses to make a gold inlay.
Under time pressure to resolve problems quickly, the technician uses multiple replacement parts in hopes that one of them will fix the issue.