Its goal is the improvement of policy and organizations based on an understanding of the underlying scientific and technological constraints and potential.
But the number of systems and the degree of control was limited then, because of technological constraints, the staff of the board said.
Oil shale in Israel is widespread but an undeveloped resource, largely because of economic and technological constraints.
The 3DS version lacks this object editor, due to technological constraints.
Because of technological constraints or artistic requirements, the image may represent the scene over a period of time.
This was largely caused by the country's extreme poverty and the technological and financial constraints of film production.
Many experts believe that elements of the plan will have to be modified over the years because of technological or cost constraints.
It was deliberately chosen due to technological constraints at the time, as the fictional computer world allowed for blocky looking models and mechanical animation.
This curve measures the feasible outputs that Crusoe can produce, with a fixed technological constraint and given amount of resources.
In this case, the resources and technological constraints are Robinson Crusoe's labour.