Provides terminal emulation and utility functions.
A further discussion of this terminology can be seen in the article on terminal emulation and elsewhere.
There is terminal emulation - with appropriate security - and, similarly, scheduling.
The locally buffered terminal emulation allowed users to chat during full-speed bidirectional file transfers.
A corresponding 3270 PC featuring 3270 terminal emulation was released later in October 1983.
At the risk of revealing my great age, Kermit was (is) a well-known tool for terminal emulation and file transfer over dialup connections.
Its terminal emulation is aimed to be compatible with xterm.
As for a better input interface for terminal emulation on a tablet... can I just shake my head?
It uses server-side terminal emulation and WebSockets for client/server communication.
By the early 1980s, branch offices and home workers were able to connect to organizational mainframes using personal computers and terminal emulation.