Dec Terminal was one of the first terminal programs for the popular Altair.
Several other terminal programs achieved 2400 bit/s.
Another exhibit offers individuals the chance to explore sense of self, others and purpose through an interactive terminal program.
However, it was rolled-into ClarisWorks terminal program.
The method of sending a break is dependent on the terminal program or hardware used to connect to the serial console.
For minicom, a popular serial terminal program, the command sequence: 'ctrl-a f' will initiate a break sequence.
It allowed users to set screen margins and to connect the computer's keyboard to a modem, allowing it to be used as a rudimentary terminal program.
As time progressed, most terminal programs began using the ANSI standard, but could use their native character set if it was available.
However, there is no direct analog to the terminal programs used to let users communicate directly with serial ports.
Most terminal programs and internet utilities added built-in MacBinary support during this period as well.