This was an unsettling thing to see on a station where a terrorist bomber was on the loose.
Last year, when the United States and the European Community proposed air strikes against Serbian positions, he threatened to unleash terrorist bombers on Washington and London.
In the case of terrorist bombers, 100% have been muslims, and most of those young what can we conclude?
But the appellate court ruled, 2-1, that due process of law barred the jailing of any unconvicted defendant, even a terrorist bomber, simply on the ground that he is dangerous.
The Middle East's terrorist bombers know all too well when violence is most likely to disrupt the delicate political chemistry required to move the peace effort ahead.
The mysterious sixth member and the terrorist bomber on Providence?
The attack appeared to be an effort by terrorist bombers to strike as close as they could approach to the heart of American authority in Baghdad.
In Hebron, troops destroy the terrorist bomber's home.
Besides, she was certain that Emily Crane wasn't a terrorist bomber.
They also played an important role in the work done by the police in London to identify the terrorist bombers.