On the morning of 11 September, 2001, terrorists flew a hijacked passenger airliner into the Pentagon.
The terrorists won the release of five imprisoned comrades and flew with them to Libya.
The warrior began to think that the terrorists had indeed flown the coop.
But in the final analysis, here's what went wrong that day: Islamic terrorists flew two jet airliners into skyscrapers.
During flight, the terrorists with the smuggled weapons would overpower the crew, take control, and fly the hijacked aircraft into U.S. east coast targets.
A planned site near Phoenix International Airport was dumped after 9/11, when local government officials began fretting that terrorists might fly a plane into it.
She phoned him twice in facing death as terrorists flew her plane toward the Pentagon.
The terrorists, unprepared for the sudden stop, flew against the walls of the stateroom.
She was also at her post when terrorists flew two airplanes into the twin towers in 2001.
The terrorists kidnaps his wife and fly her on a hijacked plane to North Africa.