Isn't Mr. Garza aware of the terrorist profile?
Mr. Brigitte hardly fit the terrorist profile.
Unfortunately, there isn't any terrorist profile that prescreening can uncover.
Interviews with prominent townspeople touched on the death of Jack's mother and father and revealed how little the pair conformed to a terrorist profile.
Perhaps Charles J. Bishop, the 15-year-old pilot, did not fit the administration's terrorist profile.
The program publicizes terrorist profiles and rewards on matchbooks, posters and other materials.
Using data-mining and predictive software, the government then plans to assign each passenger a "threat index" based on his or her resemblance to a terrorist profile.
Elderly Muslim women don't fit the terrorist profile.
None, except perhaps the bomb maker himself, fit any traditional terrorist profile.
Over the years, many people have attempted to come up with a terrorist profile to attempt to explain these individuals' actions through their psychology and social circumstances.