Some even shrugged off the recent terrorist warnings, saying they felt confident in their country's power to fight off future attacks.
"He was our Elvis-you knew when he was in the house," Kevin Giblin, the F.B.I.'s head of terrorist warning, recalled.
But for many, the more immediate concern was that the markets open and trade in an orderly fashion, despite the terrorist warnings.
Still, the coincidence of the terrorist warning here suggested that Russia's intelligence services might have been alerted to a threat from extremists, as yet unspecified.
Already the Israelis have received or monitored undisclosed terrorist warnings against Soviet Jews abroad, in transit or in Israel.
So many people have been critical that a potential terrorist warning went unheeded and are blaming the government.
While the security forces in Bangladesh are concerned with crowd control, in India there is a more serious threat with reports of a terrorist warning issued against the tournament.
When terrorist warnings are elevated, people understandably react to them, but not to the point of paralysis.
Australia had issued yet another terrorist warning, as had Britain, New Zealand and the United States.
It can be a terrorist warning, it can be weather, it can be somebody getting mugged in the street.